Team of the Week


Building Bridges and Drawing Attention to Worthy Causes

Of the numerous teams participating in this year’s Wall Street Rides FAR on October 2, the team representing Security Traders Association of New York (STANY)—the New York chapter of the leading trade organization for individual professionals in the securities industry—is among the most unique. The organization itself seeks to bring together individuals from across the space, and Team STANY serves a similar purpose, allowing individuals from member firms to ride together while drawing attention to the critical mission of the Autism Science Foundation.

“We strive to support local efforts that are important to our members, and it’s clear that Wall Street Rides FAR is really important to our community,” Kim Unger, CEO and Executive Director of STANY, said. “If individuals with ASD are to live fulfilling lives, it will be because of research—that’s the key. Getting behind the research-focused work enabled by the Autism Science Foundation is so important, and it’s a cause that we are more than happy to support.”

“I feel as though Wall Street Rides FAR, not unlike STANY, is a grassroots organization, and the mission of the Ride lines up very well with us,” Patricia Koetzner, Managing Director of Equity Trading at Siebert Williams Shank & Co., added. “With a number of individuals from STANY member firms participating in the event on their own teams, the event is a true representation of our vast and diverse financial community.”

With the organization being an annual presence at the Ride since 2016, it is clear that Koetzner is the heart of Team STANY, having been awarded the event’s coveted yellow jersey last year. She has strongly encouraged STANY members to strap on their helmets and ride for the cause, and each year, many of those same individuals, after experiencing Wall Street Rides FAR firsthand, are inspired to get involved in a bigger way.

“Every time I have new people on my team, what has ultimately happened is they go on to start their own team with their firm. The only real constant on Team STANY is me on a bicycle raising money,” laughed Koetzner.

“Most of our members are there, just on other teams, and I think they appreciate that STANY is there representing the organization that they are all a part of. While I might not necessarily be riding with them on their team, at the end of the day, we are all riding together.”

STANY, since its inception, has prioritized dedicating time and resources to critical causes, particularly ones that have a positive impact on the lives of children. Koetzner noted that WSRF is particularly special in that it gives participants the opportunity to not just donate, but actually play an active role in supporting cutting-edge autism research.

“Giving back is really part of our DNA. When STANY was founded, one of the things that the founders really focused on was the idea of giving back, because they all felt this sense that they were very blessed,” Koetzner said. “I think a lot of our members continue to feel that way, and WSRF just fits right in. STANY is a community supported by its members, and this is a way for the community to come together, so I think that’s what makes it special to us.”

With both STANY and WSRF striving to build bridges and foster a sense of community within the industry, Unger and Koetzner both note that the relationship is a logical one.

“The beauty of this event—in addition to the most important thing it does, which is raising money for autism research—is in bringing the community together in a way that would not have been possible otherwise,” Unger said. “One of the strengths of an organization like STANY is that we can bring rivals together; you never know where your next connection is going to come from. WSRF is no different. Truly, there is nothing more powerful than people putting aside their business models for a day to support a cause as important as this.”