Team of the Week

Team of the Week: Virtu Financial

Riding Toward Progress

On October 1, Rides FAR (For Autism Research) returns, bringing together some of Wall Street’s top firms in support of the life-changing research enabled by the Autism Science Foundation (ASF). The team at Virtu Financial – a leading financial services firm providing trading products and market making services – is gearing up to return to the Ride for their fourth consecutive year.


As a firm that prides itself on its commitment to charitable efforts, making the decision to join the cause was a simple one. Virtu quickly and enthusiastically became involved after first being approached by Rides FAR Co-Founder Bryan Harkins, with members of the team participating both virtually and in-person since first joining the Rides FAR community in 2019.


“We are so proud and honored to support such a wonderful event and cause.  Virtu, by nature, is a very committed organization that believes strongly in community outreach and giving back, and the Ride is an excellent vehicle to do so,” said Tara Leyden, Virtu Marketing and Investor Relations.


Like so many participants, Team Virtu has a personal connection to autism. Leyden shared that Virtu is proud to support initiatives like Rides FAR, which allows participants to have a hands-on opportunity to contribute to an organization that strives to help people with autism to live fulfilling lives with dignity.

When it comes to the cutting-edge research that ASF works tirelessly to fund through the generosity of the Rides FAR community, Ramona Espinosa, Virtu Operations, echoed Leyden, sharing that Team Virtu is passionate about the importance of providing opportunities and the necessary support for those affected by ASD.


“We find ourselves filled with immense pride to be able to contribute and be part of a group that helps makes a difference – we strive to help alleviate the challenges those with ASD face,” said Espinosa.


Kassandra Dolor, Virtu Events and Marketing, shared that the firm’s Rides FAR team is diverse, involving individuals across all departments that may not interact on a day-to-day basis. With teamwork being a critical aspect of Rides FAR, the event is an ideal opportunity to create ties that bind.


“As a firm, we’re aware of the privilege that comes with working where we do and the success that we’ve enjoyed, added Leyden. “It’s really an extraordinary crew of people who work here that share the same passion to create a new reality.”


There’s no doubt that, during regular trading hours, many Wall Street firms view one another as fierce rivals. But the communal nature of the Ride allows for these prominent firms to unite under one powerful cause.